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Lori Huston (she/her)
Beneath the Crescent Moon
My inspiration for the graduating project comes from a personal ritual of mine, journaling and reflecting practice connected to the new moon’s energy. It represents new beginnings. The start of a new lunar cycle has been a time to revisit my goals, reflect, and create new projects. The new moon ritual is connected to my deep creative work that allows for a fresh start, a new beginning beneath the crescent moon. My professional career is rooted in experience alongside the latest knowledge of the M.Ed. ECE program. Over the last two years, I have had the opportunity to bridge all of my coursework into my professional role as an ECE consultant, scholar, and leader in reconciliation within ECE, which has inspired me to continue with Doctoral work to obtain a Ph.D. in curriculum and pedagogy.
I will integrate all of my materials built over the last two years into existing knowledge within an in-depth approach by creating goals to support previous knowledge in the light of new learning very much interconnected and interdependent of each other. I align with my reflection ritual of journaling during the new moon cycle each month. Beneath the Crescent Moon, I am reminded to start again gifted a clean slate. My spirit is filled with strength, ideas, power, and courage as the full moon builds. It’s said that during a new moon that you can ruminate on your decisions, on your experiences, and rejuvenate yourselves so you can start all over again. Backlund (2020) explains the new moon’s purifying energy is there to aid you in your reflection (n.p.). I aim to be grounded in my creative energy to know and be as I create and achieve my goals.
Being In-between: Place, Time, and Knowledge.
In transition.
As we all are.
In all ways.
I stand in an Indigenous knowledges perspective; I recognize that it will be inclusive to teaching and building knowledge that highlights for children the interconnectedness and interdependence of all life. I also believe these connections are foundational to children’s being in between meaning-making within a place, time and knowledge.
In sharing my metaphor with you all, I am reminded of Richard Wagamese's words in his book Embers "Don't just write what you know, write what you wish to know, what you reveal to yourself, you reveal to the reader. Storytelling is about discovery" (p. 168).
Backlund, R. (2020). The Spiritual Meaning of A New Moon Is Way Different Than a Full Moon, But You Can Still Harness Its Power. Retrieved from
Wagamese, R. (2016). Embers: one Ojiway’s meditations. Madeira Park BC, Canada: Douglas and McIntyre.
2021 by Lori Huston, created with
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