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Conference Publication
Huston., L., Mason. B & Loon, R. (2020). Culturally Responsive Indigeneity of Relations: Embracing the Needs of First Nation Children Through the Voices of First Nation Early Childhood Educators. Journal of Childhood Studies vol. 45, no. 4, 2020, p. 68-81.
Research Report
Hodson, J., Hedican, N., Huston, L., Mason, B., Junnila, M., Falcigno, K., Evans, K., (2020) Indigenous Early Childhood Education Leadership – Summative Report  Anishininiiwi awaashishiiw kihkinohamaakewi niikaanihtamaakew, Thunder Bay, Canada.
Research Article 
Peterson, S.S., Huston, L., & Loon, R. (2019). Preparing Indigenous teachers from remote communities: Voices from Northern Ontario, Brock Journal of Education, 48(2), 17-32.
Research Article 
Huston, L., (2018). The Leadership Journey in the Spirit of indigenous Early Childhood Educators in remote Northern First Nations Communities, Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario (AECEO) eceLINK, 2, No 1(Spring/Summer 2018), p. 45-56.
In Press Research Article 
Peterson, S.S., Huston, L., Mason., B., Ings., E., & Falcigno, K. (2021). Awakening Indigenous Knowledge: Perspectives and Experiences of Indigenous Early Childhood Education Diploma Students, McGill Journal of Education
Forthcoming Chapter 
Huston., L., Michano-Drover, S., (2021). Placing the Child’s Hands on the Land: Conceptualizing, Creating and Using a Land-based Play Space, In S.S. Peterson & N. Friedrich (Eds.), Roles of place and play in young children’s oral and written language. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
The SPARK Conference

The SPARK Conference

Huston., L., Mason. B & Loon, R. (2019, May 10). Embracing the Needs of First Nation Children Through the Voices of First Nation Early Childhood Educators, SPARK The Institute for Early Childhood Education and Research, University of British Columbia. ​

The National Day of the Child

The National Day of the Child

Capital Hill, Ottawa. Image source: Huston, 2018

Wildfire Circle

Wildfire Circle

Oshki-Wenjack: Indigenous ECEs Research Circle. Image source: Huston, 2017

Advocacy Thunder Bay ECE Unite (CoP)

Advocacy Thunder Bay ECE Unite (CoP)

The Association of ECE’s Ontario (AECEO) and the Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care Ontario (0CBCC). Image source: Huston, 2018

Conference Presentation

Conference Presentation

Huston, L., (2017, November 30). Indigenous Leadership in Early Childhood Education. Poverty in Literacy Conference with the Niagara Falls Speech and Language Development. Niagara Fall. Image source: Huston, 2017

Canada International Conference on Education (CICE-2019)

Canada International Conference on Education (CICE-2019)

Huston, L., Falcigno, K. (2019, June 26). Embracing the Needs of First Nation Children Through the Voices of First Nation Early Childhood Educators. Canada International Conference on Education (CICE-2019), University of Toronto Mississauga. Image source: Huston, 2019


2017-2020 Elected Council Member for the College of Early Childhood Education of Ontario: District 1

2019-2021 Registration Committee

2018-2019 Chair of the Elections Committee

2018-2020 Member of Discipline and fitness to practice committees

Contributions/Interviews and Media Relations

Early Childhood Education and Child Care Worker Appreciation Day
Thunder Bay News Watch 
Thunder Bay ECE Unite Community of Practice 
Advocacy Event can be found at 14:44 minutes into the live news cast video attached.
Walk for Child Care
Thunder Bay News Watch
An Interview with Council Member Lori Huston RECE on National Child Day
College Talk - Online Blog/Newsletter 
The College of ECE of Ontario, 11/2018
Successes of Oshki Wenjack program designed to improve school success of young Indigenous students outlined in a recent report Anishinabek News is published by the Communications Unit of the Union of Ontario Indians 2020/20/03
Advocates call for a down payment on affordable child care and decent work
CUPE Ontario is a democratic organization.
Interview on Child care
Op Ed I wrote in the local paper.
ECE Appreciate Day, 2020
Image source: Huston, 2020
Image source: Huston, 2018
I have provided a link to the my Curriculum Vitae, simply click on the PDF icon to view.
 2021 by Lori Huston, created with 
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