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Resources for Self Study




We always have new opportunities presented to us. We need to recognize and stay awake to the present times.  We often find ourselves drifting toward the past or hurling ourselves toward the future. I think most of us incline our minds in one direction or the other: past or future. For me, it tends to be the future. An Indigenous Elder reminded me that we need to notice -  Then we become better witnesses to what is the present realities are.  Supporting Indigenous people and communities has to come from within the community from the people connected to the place. 

Image Source: Huston, 2019

I am inspired and excited by an opinion piece written by Stó:lō educator Dr. Jo-ann Archibald, the new Order of Canada recipient, who imagines the brightest future for her field.
She shared her dreams for Indigenous Education in Canada, which included: 
  • Having hope, and the highest expectations
  • More Indigenous teachers!
  • Including more Indigenous ways of knowing in the curriculum
  • Non-Indigenous students benefiting, too
  • More emphasis on education as a life-long journey
  • Stronger connections between education systems, community 

I share with Dr. Archibald's in her dreams and have visions of a bi-cultural curriculum in our early learning frameworks. The two main early learning frameworks I use are standing separate today in Canada. Ontario's pedagogy for the early years framework, As Learning Happens, reflects some Indigenous Maori principles, which allows some space for our Indigenous Canadian ways of knowing. However, they are very much still sitting on the sidelines. Indigenous pedagogy still has a ways to go embedded as a core curriculum in the early years. 
The second Indigenous Early Learning and Child care framework published in late 2018 by the federal government partnership with Indigenous communities is a standalone document. Separate but encouraged to be incorporated across Canada in the early years. 
Resources for Indigenous Pedagogy connected to place, time and knowledge. 
Indigenous Storywork: Educating the Heart, Mind, Body, and Spirit by Dr. Jo Ann Archibald 
Decolonizing methodologies: Research and Indigenous peoples, by L. Smith 
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Indigenous Children's Survivance in Public Schools by Dr. Sabzalian  
Seven Fallen Feathers by Tanya Talaga
21 Things you may not know about the Indian Act by Bob Joseph’s
Knowing Home: Braiding Indigenous Science with Western Science by Gloria Snively and Wanosts’a7 Lorna Williams


Toulouse, P. (2016). What matters in Indigenous education: Implementing a vision committed to holism, diversity, and engagement. Toronto, ON: Measuring What Matters, People for Education. Retrieved from:  
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. (2015). Truth and reconciliation commission of Canada: Calls to action. Winnipeg, MB 

Health Canada Report: Current state of knowledge and future directions. Halseth, R. & Greenwood, M. (2019). Indigenous early childhood development in Canada: Current state of knowledge and future directions. Public Health Agency Canada.
Articles that Elder Brenda Mason and I lead for the Truth and Reconciliation guiding committee in the quarterly magazine published by the Association of early childhood educators in Ontario:    
eceLINK Fall 2020/Winter 2021 Awakening and Coming to Know Indigenous Pedagogies in Early Learning. 
eceLINK Summer 2020 Exploring Indigenous pedagogies connected to experiential learning in relation to Mother Earth.
eceLINK Winter/Spring 2020 Walking Together in Reconciliation
 2021 by Lori Huston, created with 
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